
Rangel Gets 1199 Endorsement Despite Union's Espaillat Connection

An interesting subtext to Rep. Charlie Rangel receiving the endorsement of 1199 SEIU, New York City's largest union, is that many political observers felt the union was a lock to support Rangel's primary opponent, state Sen. Adriano Espaillat.

Espaillat's campaign manager is Jesse Campoamor, a former political organizer for 1199, but evidently the union's 40-plus year relationship with the Harlem congressman was too strong to swing the union's leadership. Still, insiders and Espaillat supporters are skeptical that the union will be as enthusiastic in their field operation as they were for Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2013, partially because there are indications that the membership is very much fractured between supporting Espaillat and Rangel. 

Many of the city's largest unions have begun picking sides, with United Federation of Teachers picking Espaillat, while DC 37, the city's largest public sector union, and 1199 chose Rangel. It remains to be seen whether SEIU 32BJ, the politically powerful private sector union, will endorse in the race.