
Senate Public Financing Proposal Open to Interpretation

At the state Senate’s late-night debate of its budget resolution, Democratic lawmakers focused on a vague proposal to “modify” the governor’s plan for public financing of elections, among other campaign finance reform measures.

“What does that mean?” Democratic state Sen. Daniel Squadron asked, pointing to the lack of detail.

“Well, it could be interpreted many different ways,” answered state Sen. John DeFrancisco, a Republican. “Basically what it means is that we reject the governor’s proposal and we want to talk. We’re leaving options open. We’re going to modify it in some way, but at this point in time, there’s just not a consensus among the majority as to how this should be interpreted. That’s why we’re going to discuss it between now and whenever the final budget bills are done.”

While the Senate Republicans have long been opposed to public financing of elections, the Independent Democratic Conference has been a proponent of it.