Government and technology are on a collision course, especially here in New York. Amazon is landing in Long Island City, ride-hail companies and e-bikes are revolutionizing how we get from point A to point B, and tech startups are born in Buffalo incubators and cramped Brooklyn apartments seemingly every day. At the same time, politicians are scrutinizing tech businesses large and small while scrambling to pass legislation and implement regulations.
City & State wants to help you navigate this evolving landscape. That’s why we’re launching First Read Tech, a new weekday email covering everything from Amazon’s latest effort to win over New Yorkers, to a new vacancy at the Taxi and Limousine Commission, to the governor’s surprising plan to prevent the L train shutdown – and much more.
In this space, you’ll hear from me, City & State’s tech and policy reporter, as I break down one big issue each day. You’ll also get the latest breaking news and the opinions and analysis that you need to know to start your day – whether you’re the founder of a tech startup, a government official getting up to speed or a New York policy wonk.
Like any startup, we want to hear your feedback and suggestions for this newsletter - send me birthdays, job news or other updates to share, and pitch me on stories you think I should be following.
If you haven't already signed up, please take a moment to subscribe, and for the rest of today's top tech news, head over to the inaugural installment of First Read Tech.