New York City


How to bring New York City back

New York isn’t dying, it just needs leadership and creative policymaking.

New York City


New York City should teach older children outdoors

For the next school year, follow the science on who is most likely to spread COVID-19 and where.



New York needs a plasma pipeline

Recovered COVID-19 patients can donate blood that helps to fight the virus. Let’s pay them to do it.

New York City


Henry Stern’s quest for the stars

Former New York City Parks Commissioner Henry Stern, who passed away on Thursday, was a brilliant, creative and eccentric public servants writes City & State Publisher Tom Allon.

New York State


Want to run for president? Quit your day job

City & State publisher Tom Allon makes the case for a new law applicable to anyone interested in a run for any political office: "You have to vacate your current position so a successor can be appointed or voted in who is willing to put in 50-70 hour weeks."

Donald Trump


The Wilbur Ross I know

City & State publisher Tom Allon reflects back on his time with his former boss, the now-Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

Donald Trump


The Jared Kushner I know

City & State Publisher Tom Allon reflects back on time spent with Jared Kushner.

New York City


Could Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez be NYC’s first female mayor?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may want executive experience and to implement her agenda in the country’s most high-profile city.

Donald Trump


The Michael Cohen I know

President Trump’s volcanic former attack dog Michael Cohen has been around Manhattan politics and media for a long time.



New York City high schools should expand vocational education

New York City high schools should expand vocational education to train students for the jobs of the future.


New York City

An unheralded hero dies of 9/11-related illness

Conan Freud - who passed away from 9/11-related illness - devoted his life to the city he loved.



The way to diversify specialized high schools is to open more of them

Let’s end the zero-sum competition between ethnic groups in New York City's specialized high schools and create more opportunities for everyone.